Text Overlays: Your Style

Free text is a flexible option for adding text to your video. With the freedom to customize the color, font, size, placement, timing and animation, there are endless combinations that will work for your use-case.

Basics of Your Style

To get started with Your Style:

  1. Click on an asset on the Timeline, and click on the pencil icon to open the Asset Preview window.
  2. Click Text in the header menu and choose Your Style.
  3. Insert the text on the right hand side of the screen, on the video preview. Use the points on the box to resize or move the text box around the frame. 
  4. Navigate to the left hand side of the window to see the menu for customization of the text.
  5. Click Apply to generate a preview of the changes you have made. 

Text Animation Options

On the text menu, there is  the option to choose the animation for how a text box animates in and out of the frame. Select from a few options like Bounce, Word-by-Word, None and Auto.

TIP: Keeping Text Consistent

To create the effect of a text box never leaving across multiple assets, copy the same text on to multiple consecutive clips and select “None” for both animations.

TIP: Keeping Animations Consistent

You can select an Animation from the IN menu and then choose Auto for the OUT animation. This will automatically apply the complimentary exit animation to your text box. 

Timing Your Style

Your Style timing is useful for designating when your text appears on an asset. It also allows you to add multiple text boxes on one asset, each with their own timing.

  1. In the asset editor, click Text on the menu header. Choose Your Style.
  2. Add another text box by clicking on ‘Add Text’ above the Edit image overlay.
  3. As you continue to add new text boxes and place them on the asset, bars will appear below the asset with the copy from your text boxes.
  4. Hover over the different bars and blue handles will appear on either end. Control the timing of each text box by clicking and dragging the blue handle of the corresponding bar to the desired time marker.
  5. Use the pink scrubber along the text bars to scan the clip to most precisely place the text.


Copy & Paste for Your Style

To copy your free text, double click the text box until the two pages button – the ‘Copy’ icon – appears. Click the icon to copy the text to your clipboard. To paste the text box somewhere else, right-click on the spot and select ‘Paste.’ 


Positioning with Grid

You can use a standard grid over your asset to help you place your text.

The Grid Toggle is located at the top right of the asset, allows to place text boxes and positioning using fixed coordinates. Hovering text boxes shows the text frames and dragging shows accurate coordinates. Makes it simple to design!

Creating a Style Template

Wochit allows you to design your own Your Style style template, with custom font, colors and placement:

  1. First, enter the asset editor for an image or video on your Timeline.
  2. Next, choose Your Style from the Text Overlays.
  3. Design a text to accompany your asset. When you like the format you’ve created, click ‘Save As a New Text Style’ located under the text toolbox on the right side of the screen. 
  4. Give your text style a new Template Name; use the slider to offer the new template to your entire production line, or just your user account; and check off ‘Position’ if you also want to lock-in the positioning of the text in this template.
  5. That’s it! The ‘Your Style’ Template will appear as an option in any Wochit video asset editor in the drop-down of saved text styles.

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